
25 November 2011

Ich brauche ein Wort

Ich spürte das süße Gift der Eitelkeit in meinem Blut, als ich glaubte, ich könne die Alltagstristesse die meinem Dasein gleich eines beharrlichen Tinnitus einen faden Beigeschmack bescherte, vor den anderen geheim halten. Wie sich herausstellte ein Trugschluss – der Geschmack benötigte nur seine Zeit sich zu entfalten um kleine extreme Momente, sprachlose Winzigkeiten und absurde Erscheinungen zum Vorschein zu bringen.

19 Oktober 2011

internal dancing.

Snapshot. Caught a beautiful moment of a stranger i believe. I wish i had the song that goes along with it...

07 August 2011

old german classics...

i almost forgot about this great song,...lovely video as well!!!

06 August 2011

the carefreeness of children

The guys playing in the rain, throwing stones into the water for half an hour and finding pure happiness in it. That is how it should be. A pretty content moment!

04 August 2011

snorkeling with tourists.

this is what most likely happens to you when you go snorkeling at tourist places. It might turn out to be more fun watching the tourists than the creatures down in the sea

03 August 2011


A very intense and content day. One of those fridays on a sunday, where happiness, beauty and satisfaction comes along with every step you take.

02 August 2011

Hundred Islands

My first time islandhopping on Hundred Islands, Philippines. A pretty beautiful day, snorkeling, building sandcastles and floundering about in the Lingayen Gulf...

cheesy but beautiful

one of the surreal sunsets in Boracay...

01 August 2011

Muay Thai

These are pieces of a photo documentary i did on a muay thai fighter in Duisburg.